19 February 2012

Choosing a family room paint color in 45 minutes...

A few weeks ago I mentioned our ongoing home improvement updates in "Here we go AGAIN".  In some rare feat, John got the drywall/painter to begin in 2 weeks...only no one really told me until the night prior to arrival.  Hmmm.

So Wednesday was super fun choosing a family room color between working at The Market and my evening cooking class.  Not to mention all the furniture is under plastic.  I'm happy to say I DID IT!  45 minutes, while placing a French cheese pre-order, gathering materials for the cooking class and dealing with Pierre's stranger-in-my-house anxiety. 

I brought home 2 books bulging with Benjamin Moore's entire color collection.   I was really leaning toward a red paint again, as the previous color was "Merlot", and I have loved it for 3 years.  I had a clear red (think tomato-red) in mind.  John also suggested a shade of orange, possibly a dark terracotta (what strange alien has taken possession of this man?) that a cousin has in her kitchen area.

Well, we were both wrong.  I didn't want to purchase new furniture for this room, so I needed to work with the upholstery which has an olive-green tone to the browns.  Most of the oranges were running to corals or brick and the clear reds were a touch too modern for the overall look of the room.  So I went with a color called "Glazed Pear 1092".

It's a color similar to a bosc pear with a nice caramel tone.  It matched well with the couch and furniture, looked great with pure white trim and melded well with the olive green of the living room, as there is a french door that separates them.

Here are a couple shots I took with and without flash at 5pm and 8pm:

I think this piece of artwork needs an olive green background?

We are all shocked at how much we love the color!  Thinking about some roman shades for the windows, even though I like them bare, it might add a little pizazz.  Still have a bit of organizing and decorating to do....I'm avoiding the computer cord cluster. 

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