
05 November 2011

Heirloom Apples

I am an apple girl.  I like them every which way...baked, fresh, sauced, jammed and pressed.  Skin on-skin off, in stuff and on stuff.  I am always curious to sample unusual and brand new to the market.  I don't get worked up about spots or worms (unless they are 1/2 worms.....enough said) and I love the different colors of apple skins and flesh.

Macintosh had been a lifetime favorite for me, usually just for snacking.  I have sampled a fair amount of heirloom apples too, with the Northern Spy and Snow/Fameuse apples as favorites.  This year, we visited a different orchard however and I found a few varieties that I had never tried..JACKPOT!

I purchased Hudsons Golden Gem, Macoun, Sweet Alford, Karmijn de Sonnaville & Mother.  The Karmijn de Sonnaville was by far my favorite and was a beautiful russet apple.  Sweet and crisp with a thin skin.  With cheeses and good company, it was our favorite! 

The Macoun was an interesting green tinted flesh, even though the apple was perfectly ripe.  As you might have guessed, it's genes were used to create the Macintosh!  I also like the Mother apple as it's skin was beautifully golden with red splashes and it was a great balance of sweet/tart.

I've had lots of fun with apples this fall and am looking forward to creating a shared recipe for Apple Pie Jam from France!  I'll let you know how that turns out!

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