
08 November 2011

Another business...really?

I don't usually write too much about our business' as this blog is a more personal space for me.  However, this week brought a new business into our lives and I thought you might enjoy experiencing it from day one!
Shall we play a guessing game?  "NAME THAT BUSINESS!"  These photos will help!

And here are the companies that we currently own/operate;

This is The Boulevard Market in downtown Tecumseh.  We are a cheese shop that also sells lots of boutique wines and specialty foods. 
Our second floor was converted from studio apartments to overnight accommodations 2 years ago and goes by the name Inn On Evans.  I've had so much fun creating a European apartment feel and hosting guests from all over the world.  The Inn overlooks the downtown and is especially charming during the holidays and winter months when the city trees are bursting with white twinkle lights and the snow is gently falling.  Our building is the center of the downtown, so it's fantastic to be able to shop the boutiques, enjoy cafes and dining or just people watch from the upper floor!

Peppalo Stone Ground Chocolate is our most recent company, launched just this spring.  We create chocolate from the cacao bean to the finished bar, completely by hand.  Created in a 13-15th century Spanish style chocolate with a bit of sugary grittiness and rustic texture, our Peppalo bars are unique and delicious. 

Four Corners Creamery is our cheese making company with production at about 1000 lbs per week of both goat and cows milk cheeses.  We  frequent several Farmers Markets throughout our area and supply to many spectacular restaurants.  John currently makes about 9 different cheeses as well as kefir, butter (if cream is available) and Greek style yogurt. 

While seeing it all at once seems overwhelming, I love my life and welcome the challenges of business and food production!  I can't imagine being happier anywhere but here. 

My newest personal project is a self-published cookbook!  I'm plugging away at it and hopefully it will be finished soon!  I'm sure you'll be the first to know!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo--is it coffee roasting? Yum! Can I hang out just for the wonderful smell?
