
08 March 2011

"Style & Substance"

I thought it quite interesting when browsing magazines at the local bookseller, the front row is covered in magazines for 20 something women, and yet nearly every woman shopping that evening was definitely in the 30+ range. 

I have been immensely enjoying a magazine named "MORE" with the tagline being ""For Women of Style & Substance" for many months.  It is full of gloriously beautiful women, fashion tips etc. and yet lacks the icky articles of ob/gyn issues (do we need those, isn't that why I have a physician?) ANOTHER 30 minute casserole recipe, and how to get that pesky laundry stain out.  I read magazines to escape of all that stuff!!!  "More" is just that...articles of women that have substance, something to talk about (besides each other), articles that inspire and fashion that flatters WOMEN....not teenagers! It does have food and beauty tips and a bit of Hollywood glamour/gossip.  I love their "Fashion Finds for under $200",easy to let yourself have a bit of fun with the trendiest shoes,colors and skirts!

Occasionally "More" does go a bit above my idea of reasonable.  For example, they once had an article that was written about jewelry and how much women might spend on a piece of jewelry for themselves....$10,000 was the "limit", anything above that was for spouses/significant others to purchase for them.  Hmmmm, that tells me there are a lot of meanings to the word "substance".  But then again, I will spend $40 on a pound of cheese, and I'm sure that would raise some eyebrows!!!

I'm working on my substance every day.  Am I learning and experiencing?  Am I listening?  Am I helping?  Am I grateful and gracious?  Am I enjoying my life to the fullest?  Are you?   


1 comment:

  1. I loooove "More." It's so refreshing to see a magazine populated with beautiful women of a certain age, doing wonderful things, modeling gorgeous clothes, and kicking a**.
