
09 March 2011

Embarrassing Addictions...

I am addicted to notebooks.  It's an addiction I've had for years.  I have tried to stop using them and purchasing more than I need, but it's impossible.

I bought a new one this week (the old ones were filled) and it's a real beauty!!  It has a big thick hard cover in a spring green color.  It has 3 (THREE) divider tabs with lined, graph and plain paper in a lovely ivory color.   The pages are also micro perforated (love that) and have a fun little graphic on them.  On top of all those great qualities it has an elastic band that goes over the front cover and a pocket in back. 

That would be Pierre's nose in action AGAIN!
The brand is "Semikolon" and you can find them here:

I can't wait to fill it up with notes and treasures, lists and orders, recipes and addresses!  I keep all of my notebooks and they are filled with the mundane as well as some of the most momentous occasions/happenings in my life.

It's interesting how I never even realized my (our family) history is being written down daily.  It's bits and pieces, it's what to do, where to go and doodles.  It's names and numbers, what we are eating and where to find it.  It's in writing, it's permanent, it's me.   
Trusty travel journal in Paris...


  1. Cool! Where did you find it? The link doesn't seem to have any US outlets.

    I don't have a paper trail, but I do have a penchant for office supplies. I can spend hours at Staples or Office Depot looking at pens, paper clips, little paper punches that cut out shapes, etc.

    I like the idea of keeping a journal, but haven't ever really done it. I do have massive amounts of old emails piled up in storage though. I should return to the handwritten form. My penmanship has suffered greatly since I've become computerized.

  2. The Semikolon notebook referred to was purchased at Borders on Lohr Rd. in Ann Arbor. They also had a robins egg blue (so pretty) and a chocolate brown (you can never go wrong with chocolate!!) as well as some other nifty office selections that matched. I find I am more of the stationery type of gal, but I can't pass up colorful paperclips either!
