
26 September 2012

Empty Bowls Part Deux

A while back I mentioned a local restaurant and college Art students hosting an event called "Empty Bowls" which was fantastic.

Last weekend the same art students paired up with the local Humane Society for another "Empty Bowls" event for pets.  Can I get an "Awwwwwww..." It was held in conjunction with an art festival. 

Since I hadn't bought a new bowl for Henry yet, it was perfect timing and all the money raised went to care for shelter animals.  Here is the bowl I chose:

A small bowl with the most adorable studded collar surrounding it.  Many of the bowls were custom designed with a pet name stamped into the pottery as well.  So, so sweet.  I also like the way the lip of the bowl is slightly smaller than the base.  Henry likes to gobble his food as fast as possible and then start on Pierre's!  This bowl slows him down a bit and his little snout has to work hard to get each bit.  Yes, I said "snout" as we affectionately refer to him as "piglet".

I personally thought this was a superb fundraiser!  Young folks in the community helping homeless pets and my doggie is eating out of a local piece of art that looks great instead of a metal dish!

If you would like more info on how you can get an "empty bowl" for your pet that is custom or already finished, please call/email  the Lenawee County Humane Society at 517.263.3463

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic idea. I'm passing this on to my dog- and cat-rescue community.
