
04 May 2012

Bonne Femme Green Salad

I picked up a fun new cookbook recently that I've really enjoyed browsing through and cooking from!  "Bonne Femme Cookbook" by Wini Moranville.  Written by an American that spent time in France (and much like me) fell in love with the country cuisine.  I like that the recipes are interpreted by an American, as there are just a few ingredients that you cannot find in America that are quite common in France.  I also like the fact that many are quick recipes for everyday versus long, involved recipes that are quite common in French cookbooks.

I recently tried the "Green On Green" Salad.  John and I both enjoyed it, and I changed a few things the 2nd time around to fit our tastes.  It's perfect for springtime in Michigan and I loved using my homemade Violet Vinegar in the dressing!  I like the addition of the daikon radish as I thought the salad needed more crunch and a bit of spicy.  If you're using arugula or spicy greens, you could omit the radish.  I also prefer the understatement of chives versus fresh green onions.


4 cups Romaine Lettuce or any greens, chopped
1/2 cup cucumber, halved and thinly sliced
1/4 cup fresh chives, chopped
1/4 cup daikon radishes, thinly sliced
1 avocado, peeled and thinly sliced


1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons Fresh lime juice
1 Tablespoon Violet Vinegar or Rice Vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
1/2 teaspoon Sriracha Sauce or any hot sauce you like
Salt & Pepper to taste
4 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Sunflower Oil

In a small bowl, combine garlic, lime juice, vinegar, honey, sriracha sauce, salt & pepper.  Blend with a whisk.  Whisking constantly, drizzle in oil until emulsified.

Toss with salad greens using just enough dressing to thinly coat, but not drown your lettuce.   Plate lettuce and garnish with cucumber, radish, avocado and chives.  Pour a thin stream of dressing over the additions and enjoy! 


  1. Thanks so much for this delightful post! I'm honored that you featured my cookbook.
    Wini Moranville, Author of the Bonne Femme Cookbook

    1. Wini- LOVE the cookbook, kudos to you!! Thanks much for posting and I'm looking forwarding to cooking up many more of your delightful recipes!! (PS Don't you love Google alert :) E)

  2. Definitely love Google Alert, but I'll head to your blog often now that I know about it!
