
21 January 2012

Cheesy Quinoa Cakes

I don't love quinoa.  There, I've said it and it's public.  I guess there isn't much to like or dislike about in my opinion.  It's just so blah and a bit funky in texture and not my thing.  I've tried the red and black varieties as well...same thoughts. 

I originally happened upon a recipe on Pinterest for Cheesy Quinoa Cakes.  After making a few batches, we decided we have fallen in love with fried quinoa!  Does this reduce the health benefits?  I used olive oil for frying, so my personal thought is "NO WAY!"  I did do some major adjusting to the recipe to fit my family's preferences and also make the cakes easier to fry and the aioli a bit tastier!  I hope this makes YOU fall in love with quinoa or suffer it gladly!  


1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa
1 large egg
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup grated Cotswold cheese or Raclette cheese
3 Tablespoons sliced scallions, white and green parts
1/2 teaspoon each salt & freshly ground pepper

(NOTE; if using the Cotswold cheese, you may want too omit the scallions, since the cheese is flavored with chives and onions)

Gently mix quinoa and flour until combined, add egg and stir until totally combined.  Stir in cheese, seasonings and scallions if using.

In a saute pan over medium high heat, pour in about 4 tablespoons olive oil.  When hot, use a small ice cream scoop and drop scoops of quinoa mixture carefully into hot oil.  Flatten gently with a spatula until desired thinness.  Brown on each side and serve immediately!

1/2 cup homemade mayonnaise
1 clove garlic, mashed
1 teaspoon fresh lemon zest
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon Sriacha Sauce (feel free to add more if you like it spicy!)

Stir until combined and allow to sit about 15 minutes for flavors to meld well!


  1. No quinoa here. It's a pity :-(.

  2. Hmmm. That is a shame. I imagine this would be good made with corn meal (coarse ground) rice and perhaps bulgur wheat? I might even fool around with some of those other grains too!
