
23 November 2011

A Year of Pierre

This was the day we met Pierre for the first time!
Today marks a year that we picked up our Pierre.  (Thank goodness the camera notes the date!)  I didn't have a clue about dog ownership!  To this day, I'm not sure who exactly got "trained" myself or Pierre!  I've sure had a lot of fun with this little dog and he has stolen all of our hearts, amongst other things.   I hope you enjoy these photos of Pierre's adventures this first year!

Very first night in my new home.

Happy Thanksgiving 2010! I am the cutest puppy ever!
Merry Christmas! I am helping wrap gifts!
The furniture is a great spot to bury treasures!
Got kicked out of doggie day care the very first day! Feeling sad.
Socks is my best friend...

Grandma and Grandpa give me rides and treats at the farm!
I had lots of fun and met new friends at my first Dog Day Party!
I talk softly and carry a big stick cause I'm a little dog!
Yay! for my first Birthday cake!
Halloween costumes are over rated in my opinion....
Sweet dreams...


  1. Super cute. It's amazing how fast these fur-covered family members win our hearts. Pierre has a very expressive dog face. I'm so glad the worry he showed in his first photos was transformed into an obvious joy of ruling his domain.

  2. Congratulations,dear Pierre. You found yourself a wonderful family!

  3. Eeeee, painfully adorable! I'm so happy you're enjoying Pierre as much as we love our mutts!
