
13 November 2011

Christmas Decor & Retailers

I am between a rock and a hard place at this time of the year.  I am a retailer.  Yes, we just had a Holiday Open House to kick off the holiday season on November 11.  Yes, I am one of those irritated consumers that would just like to experience one holiday at a time, but I understand the whys.

Instead of fighting the holiday season let me show you what I do at The Boulevard Market to keep Thanksgiving alive:

 We do put up our Christmas trees, but go with an Autumn decor of colorful leaves, birds (I love these pheasants) and glass bulbs in colors like copper, mocha and warm beige.  We add beaded fruits and berry clusters that will stay once the trees are transitioned to traditional Christmas decor.

The Market also features displays of foods, wines and cheese gear that is perfect for the Thanksgiving feasts!  This Cranberry wine is a customer favorite!

I understand a retailer's dilemma, especially for independent business owners, but I feel it's right for The Boulevard Market to keep Thanksgiving a little special and separate from Christmas.  After all...isn't it the biggest FOOD holiday of all?!

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