
11 October 2011

Local Art...

I feel like Tecumseh is quite fortunate for a small town, to have so many, many talented artists.  I made a decision a few years ago to only purchase original pieces of art.  I have mostly done that with just a few exceptions and it makes me happy EVERYDAY to see these works of art, to remember who I was at that point in time as well as who I was with and where I was...each piece is a story.

A few weeks ago we attended a street art fair and I sought out the artist that speaks to me through her work.  Her name is Pat Cooper.  I love impressionistic work, watercolors and pen and ink drawings.  I have 2 of Pat's pieces in my dining room and really wanted another "something" of hers.  Here is what I chose;

 Who does this resemble?  Hehehehe!  Pat said she would gladly create a custom batik of your pooch if you so desire! You can find her at .  While this was not a custom piece, it looks so like Pierre it could have been!  How fun is doggie art?

This is a new watercolor piece for my kitchen titled "Breakfast".  I just adore the color scheme and the whisk! this makes me want to cook!

My greatest "thanks" to Pat for sharing her talent and bringing me joy every single day.  I can't think of a better legacy to leave this world. 

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