
14 March 2011

New stuff; the beauty and the beast...

I have reached the age that "new" does not necessarily mean good things!  "New" now comes with strings.  It means I have to re-learn, read labels, become accustomed to different smells, travel un-chartered territory.

In today's case, I am excited to learn new things!  I have been using a (gasp) point and shoot camera.  It shows.  My photographs are not something to be proud of, but they've had to work because I was not ready to learn how to use a new camera...with seven thousands buttons and a big lens.  Today I took the plunge, now don't get your hopes up too soon-one of my biggest secrets is....I don't know how to use the remote control on the TV.  It doesn't bother me that I don't know either. 

It's not all electronics, just the TV.  I also don't know how to make my phone blink different colors or change the fonts on my emails-I have teenagers for that stuff!!!  But the camera is a different thing all together.  I am reading the MANUAL!!!  I am ready to take beautiful photos.  I hope you will bear with me and feel free to send suggestions of your photo learning curves- I would love it!

I will refrain from adding a photo today!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for new cameras! Have fun learning, and we will all enjoy the results soon.
