
16 January 2011

Things I'm thinking about this week

I'm going to write about a few things I've been thinking about this week!

NASA has a yearly budget of approximately $8.17 billion dollars.  While space exploration is great, could we get their scientists to develop a cleaner that gets dog pee out of carpet permanently?  The 43 million (40% of our total population) dog owners/tax payers would really appreciate it!  Now that would be money well spent!

Cashmere has got to be the most fabulous fiber ever.  I especially love it when it's on SALE!  Coldwater Creek had a great sale on sweaters and for $33 I am toasty, stylish and anticipating the rest of winter.  You should totally check it out!  I think I have to go back tomorrow, sans John and Pierre.

This week I purchased rosemary, parsley and pink cyclamen plants, tulips and a bouquet with asters and hydrangea.  My house seems cleaner, the sun brighter and my attitude has drastically improved.  Plants just exude love, don'tcha think?

I love Norah Jones' first CD and Jack Johnson's everything....puts me in the mood to bake, paint and putz around the house in slippers.

I am embarrassed and yet totally satisfied after hoarding and eating the last Little Debbie Christmas Tree cake.

Why hasn't someone invented a painless uni-brow remover?  We have Nair for legs....

Every Sunday when I clean the tile floors in the laundry room and girls bath, I get pissed at the contractor all over's been 8+ years and I just CANNOT let it go.  It's a 2011 priority to either fix them, or get over it and be done. 

I really like how the dog barks at the dogs on TV.

It is weird that farmers have to sign contracts to grow Honeycrisp apples.

Why does hair only seem to grow when you have it colored? 



  1. Your mind goes a thousand miles a second...much like my own. If the NASA scientists can figure out how to get dog pee out of carpet, I suggest they start working on Kool-Aid vomit as well.
    Coldwater Creek sweaters are the best, especially when you catch them on sale. I have several. I want some tulips - preferably purple. I sing Norah Jones in the car - loudly and off key. Uni-brow remover? Hot wax. 'nuff said.
    Our dog spazzes if a doorbell rings on tv. I hate it.
    My grey hair grows like damned dandelions. Much like my acceptance of weeds in my yard, I've learned to live with, although not LIKE, my grey hair.
    (I wasnt thinking about any of these things this week, but, now I am!) :-P

  2. K, agreed with all that but I have to know...Why the hell do farmers have to sign a contract to grow Honeycrisp?

  3. Apparently the Honeycrisp is a patented apple variety and the developer of the apple wants to keep the market share healthy. So the farmer agrees to grow a particular way, sell at set market prices, not propagate new trees etc. If there weren't 350 other varieties of apples, I might be irritated, but I understand the concept behind the business. I believe there are other plant varieties that are grown the same way. It can be good for the farmer as it really protects their investment in the breed. It's weird though.
