
04 January 2011

Doggie Treats!

Ahhh, a day off!  With nothing more important to do than relax!  These days are freedom, they are dreaming days, planning, renewing, napping, baking and enjoying days!  Today I made a new recipe...tiny treats for Pierre and bigger treats for his friends!  This is new territory for me...baking for a dog?  Why not?  It took about 30 minutes including the baking time and Pierre is one happy terrier!!  I couldn't believe the amount of doggie treat recipes available on the internet!  The one I'm sharing was posted by many people, so I won't attribute to anyone, but I did add some grated cheese (surprise right?) to the original recipe, about 3/4 of a cup of cheddar that was a bit past it's prime.

Pierre helping bake treats
I had everything I needed on hand!

Waiting patiently by oven for treats to be finished!

We are learning the in's and out's of dog care.  Ye-gads, I had to post a poison list on the fridge!  I'm hoping the Sunday trip to The Boulevard Market had no lasting effects, as Pierre found and promptly ate a piece of Pannetone with raisins, a few stray coffee beans as well as many crumbs of cheese and salame, 2 toothpicks and some artificial greenery.  Yes, I technically stopped in to work...that did not happen.  But who can work with all that cuteness staring at you?

Happy Day Doggie Treats
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour (you can use another type of flour if your dog is sensitive to wheat)
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup peanut butter, chunky or smooth (I used smooth this time)
  • 1 1/4 cups hot water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease baking sheets.

Mix all ingredients together until combined.  Turn out onto floured surface and roll to 1/4 inch thickness.  Cut out shapes (dog bone maybe?) and bake for about 20 minutes until browned and crunchy.  I cut ours into small bites...but if you do larger biscuits (cookie size), you will need to add 8 minutes to baking time.  I added the cheese right before rolling out and brushed mine with an egg wash to make them a bit shiny.

Hope you enjoy your next day off with a doggie too!



  1. Pierre has discovered that a doggie's secondary purpose is to pretend to be a vacuum cleaner! Any doggie that figures that out on his own should get lots of these treats!

  2. Hey, Erika!

    I used your recipe in a posting on my blog today and added a link to yours. Thanks for the great recipe! xo
