
03 November 2010

My morning on the news...

As the alarm rang at 4:30am, I had to repeat to myself "this is a great opportunity!" with a smile on my face! It truly was a great opportunity and my heartfelt thanks go to Andy at The Produce Station in Ann Arbor for inviting me to participate in the FOX2 News Kitchen segment on Monday! It was really early, I left the house at 5:55am, little coffee (no time for a rest stop) less sleep and a complex over my hair, shirt, earrings etc. Pretty much everything! We arrived in Southfield a bit early and could only find a Tim Hortons for coffee, and proceeded to burn our tongues.

When we got to the set, it was surreal! These were "places" I had seen on TV, yet resembled nothing I had ever seen before. Winding hallways of studios, props and wires. It was amazing! So Andy and I were shown to the "Kitchen" and got to work building the counter display (Andy did it all, I just followed his directions) and making it our space. It was a masterpiece of Michigan cheese and wine!

When the "talent" walked in to shoot the leads was about the time I realized this was real life and slightly freaked. The idea that everything was impromptu is what made me nervous.

It all seemed to go off without a hitch...the "talent" Lee and Cam, made it so simple and fun, that's why they are the "talent"!!! The video was beautiful with vibrant colors and Andy's display was beautiful! We came off looking relaxed and we were real! It was all super cool and I can't wait to do it again!!! Check it out!

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