
29 August 2010

Possibilities of Duck Fat

I'm using this space as a way to work through the possibilities swimming in my brain. I bought a ball of duck fat today...for $3. I am too excited about using it tomorrow. What to make first?

Every time I went into a store in Paris in April, I was so irritated that I couldn't buy duck fat in a can to bring home (pesky customs and all that) so you can imagine my pleasure in finding this "ball o' fat"!

I'm off to soak in the tub and peruse cookbooks...will let you know how it all works out! I also purchased a plethora (do you not LOVE that word!) of other meats, one unidentifiable, so will be burning up blogspot with some new recipes this week!!!


  1. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. Don't drop the cookbooks in the bathtub! What? That's the best place to read!
